GASB 75 – How is Investment Rate of Return Determined?
January 28, 2016|Parker Elmore
It’s time to develop an investment policy as you start funding your OPEB obligation.
GASB 75 – How Do Discount Rates Get Calculated?
Under GASB 75, the discount rate or investment rate of return will be based on three factors:
- Your funding policy – how much you will contribute each year
- Your investment policy – what asset classes are being utilized
- The Plan’s projected benefit payments
Plans operating on a “pay-as-you-go” basis or funding very modestly will be forced to value their plan using a 20-year municipal bond index rate (1.93% as of December 31, 2020) while those invested with higher equity allocations and more robust funding policies may be able to value their plan at 7.00% or higher. Given that plan liabilities move in the opposite direction of interest rates, this may change disclosed liabilities materially.
What can you do?
Under GASB 75, a written or formal funding policy will be required (contribute free cash, post-pension deferred funding, meals tax, etc.). Additionally, you will want to work with your investment advisors to develop a formal investment policy (e.g., 40% bonds, 40% US Equities, 10% Int’l Equities, 10% Cash) so that your actuary can properly determine a long-term investment return. The issue, as always, is that more equity exposure will yield a higher assumed interest rate (and lower disclosed OPEB liabilities), but it comes at a cost of higher volatility.
We encourage you to review the options with your investment advisor to determine the proper allocation for your organization & Plan.
As always, feel free to contact one of our consultants with any questions you may have.
About The Author As President and CEO of Odyssey Advisors, Parker Elmore is dedicated to quality service, expertise, and efficiency. With over 35 years of industry experience, Parker and the Odyssey team develop and implement solutions to the complex financial issues faced by...
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