You serve the public so we serve you

The work you do impacts hundreds, if not thousands of lives for generations to come. The decisions you make, the benefits you provide, and the problems you tackle have the potential to make a meaningful and lasting impact. 

Imagine having your Board of Selectmen, auditor, and community all on the same page

Sound too good to be true? We’re here to help you bring them all together to find a common ground. We’ll perform an in-depth and comprehensive analysis that is easy-to-understand and provides flexible, but sustainable solutions everyone can agree on. With over 25 years of helping the public sector including cities, towns, and counties as well as public transit authorities, utilities, and schools, we understand the issues you face.  

Enhancing benefits management through better measurement

Oftentimes your benefits liabilities are the largest items on your balance sheet. When you choose Odyssey Advisors, we’ll help you adopt a strategic, comprehensive, and sustainable plan that charts a course towards a fully funded future. 

Ways we can help

  • Pension and OPEB Plan design
  • Funding strategies & options
  • Actuarial valuations
  • GASB 67 and 68  – Pension accounting valuations
  • GASB 74 and 75 – OPEB accounting valuations

While we use the latest technology to administer and value your plans, we understand that no technology can replace the human touch. That’s why the Odyssey team is always available to answer your questions. 

“[Odyssey’s] responsiveness and attentiveness never leave us feeling underserved. Parker and the team answer every one of my questions and lay it out for me so I can easily understand them. Their help and guidance is priceless.”

Dyan Katz Hamilton, MA Town Accountant